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Folklore Museum of Kalidona

2 votes with an average rating of 4.5.
Visiting cost
2 €

In the idyllic Kalidona, which the Venetians called Belvedere, meaning "beautiful view", the visitor has the pleasure of being able to visit a great Folklore Museum, which was created with a lot of love, passion and unlimited respect for the history of the place. 

It is housed in a very beautiful stone building, which was formerly used as a primary school. In its premises, it hosts dozens of exhibits from another era. 

Tools, household appliances, looms, lamps, textiles, furniture. Each object brings the visitor closer to the history of the inhabitants of Kalidona and to occupations and habits that have already disappeared from our lives, thanks to the development of technology and the passing of the years.


Kalidona can be reached by road, by private car.

There is parking (not organized).

Parking available
For further information click here.
Panorama photos
  • Kalidona, Ilia, Postal Code 27054
  • 6977505783
  • Construction period 2004
  • Police Department of Ilia - P.D. of Zacharo
Opening hours

By appointment at the telephone number provided.

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