Αρχαίο Γυμνάσιο Ολυμπίας. Αεροφωτογραφία

The results of the excavations at the ancient Gymnasium of Olympia were presented at an international conference in Chicago.

In the annual meeting organized in January by the Archaeological Institute of America, in Chicago, with the theme "Restoration, preservation and promotion of archaeological sites and monuments, in Greece, in the context of the goals of the 2030 Agenda, for sustainable development" participated the Head of the Ephorate of Antiquities of Ilia Dr. Erofili Iris Kollia, as a member of a scientific team representing the Greek Ministry of Culture.

The purpose of the theme was to present important projects of protection, maintenance, restoration and configuration of archaeological sites and monuments, which are carried out by the Ministry of Culture, throughout Greece and are financed by operational European programs and national resources. The main objective is to preserve the monuments as a public good and to protect their characteristic values, in the context of sustainable development.

Olympia was chosen to be one of the four emblematic sites whose results of protection and enhancement, restoration and shaping projects were presented at the 2024 meeting of the Archaeological Institute of America. The other three sites and monuments were respectively the monument of the Diocese of Sikinos, Roman hero of the 3rd century b.C. which was converted into a Byzantine church, the restoration and remodeling work of the Roman theater of Nikopolis, and the restoration and scientific documentation work in the archaic and Roman Telesterium of the Sanctuary of Kaveri in Lemnos.

The announcement of the Head of the Ephorate of Ilia, Dr. Erofili Kolia, concerned the ancient Gymnasium of Olympia. The findings of the study of the dimensions and the floor plan of one of the most emblematic monuments of UNESCO World Heritage Site as part of the restoration project were presented, while reference was made to the important facts about the history of Ancient Olympia during late antiquity, which came in the light during excavation work. The project of unveiling and highlighting the Gymnasium which was completed at the end of 2023 in conjunction with other monument highlighting projects carried out by the Ministry of Culture. in Olympia, they contribute to improving the readability of the Sanctuary by the public and at the same time expand the limits of the space accessible to visitors.

Source: Ephorate of Antiquities of Ilia