Nea Figalia

POLYGON((21.761665503560693 37.45035563227489,21.785526434957177 37.450491910772,21.78569809633413 37.43359148388424,21.762180487691552 37.43304624111151,21.761665503560693 37.45035563227489))

Church of Virgin Dormition of Zourtsa

The Holy Church of the Dormition of the Virgin is located at a close distance from the Nea Figalia settlement of the Mun...
Nea Figalia of Zacharo, P.C. 27065

Folklore Museum of New Figaleia

The Folklore Museum of New Figaleia is a jewel for the region.
New Figalia, Zacharo Ilia, P.O. 27065