Local products (wine, honey, etc.)


Church of Agios Vlasios of Dafni

The Holy Church of Agios Vlasios is located in the village of Dafni in the Municipality of Ilida near Amaliada.
Dafni of Ilida, P.C. 27069
2622029248, 6945520737

Church of the Holy Trinity of Divri

The Holy Church of the Holy Trinity is located in the cemetery of the village of Dibri, in the district of Grustades or ...
Divri of Olympia, P.C. 27063
2624081242, 6982772127

The City of Zacharo

The city of Zacharo is built in a fertile area, of exceptional natural beauty and of great archaeological interest.
P.C. 27054
26250 41257