Municipality of Ancient Olympia

POLYGON((21.519966284810693 37.669578093341194,21.579532782613427 37.7002802216408,21.62193314272085 37.741287118486675,21.69909493166128 37.69226629007086,21.81196228700796 37.675828229169944,21.793251196920068 37.59725567190176,21.619529883443505 37.62499664584095,21.519966284810693 37.669578093341194))
List of destinations

Church of the Holy Trinity of Divri

The Holy Church of the Holy Trinity is located in the cemetery of the village of Dibri, in the district of Grustades or ...
Divri of Olympia, P.C. 27063
2624081242, 6982772127

Alfios River

It is one of the most important rivers of the Peloponnese. It is the largest river of the Peloponnese both in terms of l...
Alfios Lake, P.C. 27065

Alfios Dam

The dam of Alfios is crossed by the famous bridge of the same name, near the village of Floka.
Floka of Ancient Olympia, P.C. 27065