Municipality of Ilida

POLYGON((21.2511445685021 37.8009916264685,21.355686347066552 37.898314969832654,21.60442368227163 37.9045457907126,21.6741182013146 37.806416918263125,21.426582495748193 37.803704320112836,21.316375891744286 37.71956443353772,21.2511445685021 37.8009916264685))

Agios Ilias - Piera Pigi

In Agios Ilias, a village with approximately 350 inhabitants, we can find three settlements, Agios Ilias, Stamateleika a...
Agios Ilias of Amaliada, P.C. 27100


Kardamas is a fairly large, plain village, which is found near Amaliada. It has about 700 inhabitants and its characteri...
Kardamas of Amaliada, P.C. 27200


Chavari is only 8 km from the town of Amaliada and is one of the most beautiful and modern villages in the region.
Chavari of Amaliada, P.C. 27200


To the west of the ancient gymnasiums of Elis, is the village of Kalyvia.
Kalyvia of Ilida. P.C. 27300

Amaliada Cultural Center

Amaliada P.C. 27200
2622 024431

Churh of Agios Athanasios in Amaliada

Kapodistriou 8, Amaliada 272 00