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Church of Virgin Dormition of Zourtsa

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The Holy Church of the Dormition of the Virgin is located at a close distance from the Nea Figalia settlement of the Municipality of Zacharos Ilia. It has been proposed to identify it with the catholicon of the Monastery of Panagia Vogali, which is connected to the Monastery of Vrontochi of Mystras. Excavation and remains can confirm its characterization as a Catholic monastery. The construction date of the monument is placed at the end of the 10th century.

The temple is preserved today after being modified. Initially, its form was a three-aisled, wooden-roofed basilica, separated by columns. The central aisle, elevated, was covered with a gabled roof and had six arched windows in the long walls, while the side aisles are lower and had single-gabled roofs. To the east the sanctuary of the temple ends in a three-sided arch with the middle one distinguished for its rich ceramic decoration, while to the west there was a narthex that communicated with the temple through three entrances.

Over the years, the monument received several interventions that changed its original form. The current church consists of the north and central aisles, which have a single gabled roof while the windows of the central aisle have been removed. On the south side, the pessos has been turned into a wall and the southern aisle of the church became a chapel dedicated to St. Ioannis, which, however, slowly fell into disrepair after the collapse of parts of its masonry. The western wall of the main church and the western wall of the narthex also suffered a partial collapse. According to an engraving found on the lintel of the newer western entrance, in 1887 a new wall was built which is also the current facade of the monument.

The Ministry of Culture in 1980 carried out the maintenance and restoration of the eastern face of the temple, while in 2016 the fixing, restoration and highlighting of the monument was completed as well as the shaping of the surrounding area.


Ephorate of Antiquities of Ilia


Visit to the monastery by private car. Also by bus up to a point and then on foot.

Parking available
For further information click here.
Panorama photos
  • Nea Figalia of Zacharo, P.C. 27065
  • 6944328253
  • Construction period last quarter of the 10th century
  • Police Department of Ilia - P.D. of Zacharo - Metropolis of Trifylia and Olympia - Ephorate of Antiquities of Ilia
Opening hours

9:00 a.m. – 11:00 a.m.

6:00 p.m.- 8:00 p.m.

by prior arrangement

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